How we raise funds
We rely on the Stanley Group of Companies community who support the Charitable Foundation in any way they can. This includes a group-wide commitment, in line with industry benchmarks and targets, to contribute a fixed percentage of annual revenue.
Fundraising events and sponsorships are also an important part of our income, with an interesting and challenging programme of events organised by our community to raise funds over the forthcoming two year period.
100%. That's the percentage of the donations we receive that go toward the good work we support.
All the Charitable Foundation's administration costs are covered by the Group, so everything raised goes straight to the projects we support.

Learn more
If you would like to know more about the Stanley Group Charitable Foundation or wish to apply for funds, please contact the Charitable Foundation Office on +44 (0)203 925 2354 or via email
It is advisable to check the Foundation's current themes and criteria prior to applying for funding.

Deliver Change.
For Good.
The Stanley Group Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Stanley Group Limited, supporting those in need and making a positive and lasting difference in people's lives by awarding grants to charities registered in select geographies around the globe, to assist them in the incredible work they do every day.

Who we support
Our grant giving is guided by themes, with the main focus on eradicating poverty through education, reducing reliance on fossil fuels for basic living needs, and establishing community-level solar- and wind-powered energy.
The Charitable Foundation is keen to support small-to-medium-sized charities and foundations that can benefit substantially from financial grants.
Our primary geographical focus is the Indian Subcontinent and South Asia, with particular focus on Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Eradicating social disparity and violence through education
The Stanley Group Foundation is proud to have designated NaariSamatā, a charity committed to improving the safety of women, children and underprivileged, marginalised communities, as our Principal Charitable Cause.
NaariSamatā work on issues related to gender, caste and sexuality by teaching youth about equality and respect, and by working on the general empowerment of women and girls. As most sexual abuse begins well before puberty, The Stanley Group Foundation and NaariSamatā believe preventative education, if it is to have any effect at all, must begin early in middle school.
Universal primary education is one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030, and initiative The Stanley Group Foundation and NaariSamatā together are proud to support.
Many of the poorest countries in the world are also those that have the poorest education rates. This, we believe, leads to gender and economic disparity, which when compounded by 'blind-eye political policy' and lack of awareness of the countries' diaspora, results in indescribable poverty, sexual violence, and the promulgation of caste systems within the local society.
According to UNESCO, if all students in low-income countries just had basic reading skills (nothing else), an estimated 171 million people could escape extreme poverty and the sociosexual violence it accompanies.
In partnership with NaariSamatā, Stanley Group proudly participates in a number of education, philanthropic, infrastructure and Organisational Development-related projects.

in partnership with
Reducing reliance on fossil fuels for basic living needs
The production and use of fossil fuels—also known as "dirty fuels"—for electricity and transportation fuels are not only contributing to climate change, but they also cause health problems, destroy our wild places, and release toxins such as mercury and arsenic into our communities.
Developing clean and renewable energy and innovative technology can help solve this problem. The Stanley Group Foundation works with low-income and poverty-stricken geographies around the globe to reduce reliance on fossil fuels for basic living needs such as cooking, heating, sanitation and basic transport, and we work to protect people and wildlife from harmful fossil fuels through legislation by advocating for the development of clean energy.
In partnership with the UTSAAH network (Uniting to Sustain and Assist Himalayan Communities), Stanley Group works to assist and prevent isolated rural communities in the Indian Himalayas from becoming increasingly marginalised and underserved. We work to unite and assist grass-root organisations in this region to bring about long-term sustainable development.

in partnership with
Promoting Sustainable Energy:
Wind, Solar & Hydro
Renewable energies are sources of clean, inexhaustible and increasingly competitive energy. They differ from fossil fuels principally in their diversity, abundance and potential for use anywhere on the planet, but above all in that they produce neither greenhouse gases – which cause climate change – nor polluting emissions. Their costs are also falling and at a sustainable rate, whereas the general cost trend for fossil fuels is in the opposite direction in spite of their present volatility.
Growth in clean energies is unstoppable, as reflected in statistics produced annually by the International Energy Agency (IEA): they represented nearly half of all new electricity generation capacity installed in 2014, when they constituted the second biggest source of electricity worldwide, behind coal.
According to the IEA, world electricity demand will have increased by 70% by 2040 - its share of final energy use rising from 18 to 24% during the same period – driven mainly by the emerging economies of India, China, Africa, the Middle East and South-East Asia.
In partnership with the LORRIS Foundation, Sri Lanka, Stanley Group works to install sustainable, clean energy infrastructure in some of the most endangered and at-risk areas of northeast Sri Lanka.
The wet zone in Sri Lanka is considered as the world's highest populated biodiversity hotspot and contains the highest percentage of endangered and endemic species within Sri Lanka. Several protected areas have been designated by the FD and/or DWC. However, these have limited enforcement and are often heavily encroached by villages.
There are clear opportunities to tackle the drivers of biodiversity loss by increasing the capacity to protect, monitor and manage protected areas and incentivise communities to conserve forest resources by switching from dirty or fossil fuels (wood, kerosene, rubber) to more sustainable and eco-friendly fuels such as solar, hydro and wind energies.

in partnership with
Our purposes